loose leash walking



One, or more, of these three reasons might just be why your dog won’t stop pulling on leash.

Albeit your very best efforts to patiently, and positively, train your dog to walk with you, rather than drag you sailing down every path or road. 

Is your dog overwhelmed? This can be excitement, or fear, or frustration, or a bit of everything. And this happens often with young dogs, puppies and adolescent dogs. 

Your dog may have some discomfort or pain and walking slowly, at your pace, could elevate the discomfort. Observe your dog’s gait: at the beginning of a walk, at the end, after they’ve been resting etc. Check in with your vet!

Are you expecting too much? Teaching a reliable loose leash walk takes time and dedication, don’t expect too much too soon from your young dog. Does your dog really have to walk by your side all the time? Try giving your dog a slightly longer leash (in the right environment), maybe they simply prefer walking a little ahead of you. 

There are of course many other reasons why your dog may be pulling on leash and if you feel you could do with some help, please get in touch.

Loose Leash Walking Tips

Leash Walking Tips - whether you are starting from scratch with a puppy, working with a bouncy adolescent or adult dog or even a rescue dog who’s not used to a leash.

🐕‍🦺 Good equipment is key: I’d opt for a well-fitting harness but there are, as always, exceptions to the rule. Get a long leash and/ or a training line (3m - 5m, depending on your long leash handling skills).

👩🏻 Understand that you, the human, are a bit boring when it comes to walking. You walk in straight lines, probably a bit too slow or fast (depends on how your dog sees the world), you never stop to sniff or wee. Look at it from your dog’s perspective and allow for all the sniffs and exploration they need. 

🌭Get your dog used to good things happening when moving with you (NOT by your side but moving with you). You can use pattern games for this, capturing (mark/ reward) check-ins and more. 

🐾 When outside; start practicing in an area where your dog has the option to move more freely. 

🩺 Don’t forget that underlying medial issues can feed into leash walking behaviours.