“How to know if my dog has separation anxiety….”
Identifying whether your dog has separation anxiety or might just be bored and frustrated when home alone can be a difficult task.
So we have created a quiz to help you figure out what’s going with your dog.
Please note that this is not meant to be a thorough separation related behaviour assessment. I've created this to steer you in the right direction, and then give you some tips on how to help your furry best friend.
Choose one answer per question: the one that is closest to describing your dog’s behaviour (even if not 100% applicable). Add up your final score (if you’ve chosen answer No 1, you count 1 point, answer No2 is 2 points, etc), then follow the links below to get your result.
If you need help, get in touch.
Alex & Wolfgang
The behaviours your dog displays when home alone (for example barking, howling, toilet accidents, chewing/ scratching at exit points, toilet accidents, emptying the trash can etc), do these only happen when you are out?
Yes, only when I’m out.
Mostly when I’m out.
Both when I’m at home and when I’m out! When I’m at home, s/he generally attempts these things when I’m out of sight.
Potential signs of separation anxiety in dogs: does your dog bark, howl and/ or whine when left alone?
Yes and s/he keeps on going for the entire time.
My dog used to bark a lot when I left home but not anymore.
My dog gets quite vocal to begin with and then settles pretty quickly.
“We can’t begin to express our gratitude for Alex’s help in getting our dachshund puppy on track to be left alone for a few hours. She helped us put steps in place that keep him calm and happy while we are out.”
Mel and Oliver, the Dachshund
Does your dog engage with food toys when home alone?
No, never.
Sometimes for a bit but once s/he realises I’m gone, he stops and won’t touch it until I’m back home.
Yes, he loves his food toys with or without me around. And once done s/he goes off to find some more entertainment (such as a round of counter surfing or taking the bin apart).
How much exercise does your dog get every day?
My dog gets all the physical and mental engagement s/he needs.
A good amount, considering age, breed and energy levels.
Under one hour, unfortunately I can’t provide more right now.
Has your dog had a change in routine recently (for example moving home, health niggles, addition to the family, change in owner work routine)?
Yes, there’s definitely been some changes.
Nothing worth mentioning.
Nope, apart from my dog changing his/ her routine on a daily basis, nothing has changed.
Has your dog experienced a traumatic event recently (at home, during an absence, and/ or outside?
Yes, unfortunately
Not really.
Zilch, same as it ever was.
What does your dog do when alone (if you can observe)?
My dog gets anxious including pacing, howling, barking, trembling and more.
My dog barks and sometimes whines for a bit, then settles in one spot (usually close to the door) and doesn’t move until I return home.
My dog gets quite vocal for a bit, and then is off to see what s/he can find to destroy or eat.
Does your dog follow you around your home?
Yes, s/he’s my little shadow.
Sometimes, for example when I go the bathroom.
Only if my dog thinks something exciting is about to happen, such as going out for a walk or preparing food.
And now to the results: