Hundtränare problemhund malmö

When The Going Gets Tough…. Force-free management tools for when things get messy

When The Going Gets Tough…. Force-free management tools for when things get messy

You are working with your reactive dog on making the world a less stressful place for them…

You are out and about socialising your puppy….

You are training with your adolescent dog, ironing out a couple of teenage tricky behaviours…

One moment the world is at peace, then suddenly something happens that sends your dog into melt down frenzy (out of fear, over-excitement, frustration…).

In this heightened emotional state most dogs struggle to respond to a cue, and management is key.

The following force-free management tools will help you to swiftly, and positively, get out of a potentially messy situation.

Why Dogs Bark & What You Can Do About It

Why Dogs Bark & What You Can Do About It

First things first, dogs bark! It’s a dog, it’s what they do. You wouldn’t ask a lion to stop roaring.

However, the fact that dogs live in our homes makes this often an issue for us humans. And of course we often expect our furry friend to behave perfectly, in all sorts of ‘human’ situations.

This article is about understanding why your dog barks and how to deal with it, including teaching alternative behaviours, providing outlets so they don’t need to bark in the first place as well as preempting, managing and, let’s say, tone it down a notch, or two.

Before I delve into the different types of barking and how to deal with these, here are some things to consider that can impact on most barking behaviours:

Post Lockdown Syndrome is a Thing, Even for our Dogs!

Post Lockdown Syndrome is a Thing, Even for our Dogs!

As lockdown is easing across the UK, our puppies and adult dogs are faced with plenty of lifestyle changes that can be both stressful and plain scary. Understanding your dog’s fears as well as helping them to prepare for ‘the unknown’ is crucial to their wellbeing and to preventing unwelcome habits and behaviour issues from developing.

A problem area I’m working with a lot at the moment is people welcoming guests at their homes once again as well as heading out to busy public places such as busy pubs and restaurants, all with their dog in tow who simply can’t cope.

For all those pandemic puppies who’s never had a stranger visit their home these new experiences can be incredibly disruptive. As is for our adult dogs who’ve enjoyed a year of anti-social bliss and forgot what it’s like to be around more people than their closest family members.

Communication is the key to success

If you want your dog to learn and understand your language, then it’s only fair you can talk ‘dog’. Communication should always go two ways and understanding what your dog is telling you will result in a strong, trusting bond, which should be the basis of any training.

To talk ‘dog’ you have to look at your friend’s entire body (eyes, ears, mouth, tail, body stance, etc) as well as listen to the sounds he or she makes. Context and looking at the bigger picture is equally as important; for example a dog who yawns in the morning when he wakes up is tired, whereas a dog who yawns when a dog runs up to her in the park, is worried and potentially stressed.

Some subtle signs of communication to look out for when your dog feels stressed: eye blinking, lip/ nose licking, yawning, averting face/ gaze, lowered or tucked tail, frozen body posture, tightly closed mouth and much more.

Wolfgang's Way in the Telegraph

The wonderful Lauren Libbert has written a feature for the Telegraph about how her Cockapoo Freddy has been coping with life under lockdown. Slowly morphing from a chilled and fun loving dog to an often irritated, growly, then suddenly over the top active furry noodle, she’s asked for advice on what the reasons behind his behaviour may be as well as how to help him, and other dogs, through these challenging times.

And I was of course so very excited to be have been able to contribute.

Saturday Telegraph 16/05/2020

Saturday Telegraph 16/05/2020

Telegraph online 15/05/2020

Telegraph online 15/05/2020

What To Do When You're Hold Up With Your Hound

I spoke to author and journalist Kate Spicer about how to keep your furry friends happy during the COVID19 lockdown. I’ve known Kate for many years (from my years working in PR) and I’ve always loved her work and writing style so jumped at this opportunity.


And if you haven’t already, check out Kate Spicer’s book Lost Dog.