A reliable recall means more freedom for your dog, and peace of mind for you.

1️⃣ Choose a unique recall cue:

A more unique word you use solely for getting your dog to come back to you, rather than a word such as ‘come’ that you use more often in your day to day, will ensure you don’t risk poisoning your cue. 

2️⃣ Little, often and make the training fun:

Train a little every day, all-out and make it engaging and fun for your dog.

3️⃣ Set up your dog for success: 

Be aware of your competition and manage (with a long training line) when needed.

4️⃣ Don’t be a nag:

Don’t repeat the cue and don’t call your day away from fun stuff all the time!!! 

5️⃣ Feed into your dog’s instincts:

From choosing and varying your dog’s ‘reward’ to how you deliver it. Think about what your dog was bred to do as well as what you know your dog enjoys.  

6️⃣ Be reliable:

Coming back to you should ALWAYS means positive stuff happens (what your dog thinks is positive, not you!).  

If you need help, get in touch and I’ll send you information about my ‘total recall’ training course.